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Find Inspiration. Be A SUPPORT. Network.

Who would we be without our fellow beautiful, strong and inspiring women?

Throughout my 20 years of dancing I have met a ton of inspiring people. Not just gurus and professionals. I feel inspired by the beauty and feeling radiating from many dancers – male and female. I like to watch people who enjoy the moment, live the music and spread joy. On other occasions, it can be the untouchable confidence of a follower that catches my attention.

A dancer’s movement takes us on a journey, tells us their story and shares a feeling in an incomparable way. I think that sharing in each other’s stories both verbally and through dance counterbalances the trend that followers may know most leaders in a dance community, but spend little time getting to know fellow followers. If we listen and observe each other’s stories, we can relate to each other in deeper ways.

My wish for the workshops:

Creating a network in which followers don’t look at each other with critical regard but turn to each other in awe and for inspiration, support and encouragement.’

This wish is closely connected to the belief that through dance and body expression we can make contact to our true hearts’ desires. You might think, this is maybe a bit much….but I believe that magical things happen when we connect as a community sharing our passion with others.

In my teaching I will try to address:

  • The sometimes not so easy to be moderated split between ‘following’ and expression of individuality.

  • How to not ‘just’ surrender our dance to the leader

  • How to comfortably relax into a connection rather than worrying about the next move

  • That dancing a social dance means trusting a fleeting connection in a world where trust = danger

  • Feeling good with the way our individual bodies move

And most importantly I will aim at

  • connecting followers

  • FUN, FUN, FUN!

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